Wednesday, 25 January 2017

New Year's Irresolution

Whoever started the trend of making new year’s resolution needs a talking to.  Granted, for many the new year comes about at a time of holiday or rest from work, so energy levels might be higher, but the idea that a new year should magically bring some form of vigor that was not previously there is just silly.  And why the need to wait for a new year to make a necessary change?

New year’s resolutions tend to come with a lot of hype, as a profound pledge to friends and family on a day that tends to be surrounded by alcohol.  Hardly the makings of good decision making.  In addition to this, new year’s resolutions are a statement, not a plan.

Changing any behaviour requires work, not simply the will.  As with any task, steps need to be put in place to achieve the goal.  Sometimes these steps are fairly obvious, other times not; sometimes these steps can be done alone, other times the input of others is needed.  Usually it is this last area that is most difficult to organise, not only because other people need to be relied upon, but because confiding in others can be daunting.

If you have already forgotten your new year’s resolution, don’t worry about it. 
If you are feeling overwhelmed by your resolution, some guidance may be needed.
But don’t wait another 340 days.